The Portals of the Earth
February 6, 2022
What if I was to make this story short?
As short as it could be?
I’d tell you how in August he came to me.
He came to me.
He came to me.
He came to me.
He came to me.
I’d tell you how in March, I started digging.
I dug until I saw a golden light
until I saw the light shoot up towards the sky.
Unlock the portals of the earth.
Unlock the portals of the earth.
Unlock the portals of the earth.
I heard the words echo in my mind.
And then,
I left it all behind.
I saw it in a dream:
my name on a sign, fading into the distance.
I traveled somewhere new.
I found another home
and another August
and I heard the words again:
Unlock the portals of the earth.
And I saw them unlocking.
It started with one
and grew to many.
Cylinders of golden light
like beacons
shining across the earth.
And then,
I’d tell you how I doubted.
How I was constantly doubting,
and how he took my hand
and reminded me.
He showed me a pattern my mind could not deny.
The pattern was hundreds of millions of miles away
in the movement of a small stony rock,
and it told me:
It will happen in two weeks
a great unlocking
a golden beacon.
Two weeks later,
I was stunned to see
a golden light
shooting straight up towards the sky.
Except this time
for the first time
it wasn’t in my mind.
And if you ask me now if I believe
I will whisper,